Negative people SUCK

I feel that I have to write about energy sucking people. You know the ones who just come with their negativity and you really can feel the bad vibes.. So how to protect yourself against it so it wouldn’t affect you?

It’s easy to understand. When you have positive, uplifting, supporting and happy people around you, they raise your vibrations too! I actually removed a lot of people from my life because they were the opposite. Some people are just jealous of what you have or what you do and they can’t handle it so they try to make it harder for you also… And they are sneaky, they will be like: it’s not so good idea, you will fail, this will not go as you think and so on… Sounds innocent but it’s not. Good people tell you supporting things and help you along the way and never doubt you. Never think that you CAN’T and ALWAYS THINK: I CAN!! The only limit you have is yourself. The only competition you have is YOURSELF.

Thing is… negativity feeds on negativity. Now a days I try to just ignore when people around me are vibrating in low levels. I put my headphones on and blast some mothafucking TERROR and walk away. I have noticed that this is one of the things I need to do often to protect myself.. just walk away from shit. And I mean when it’s other peoples drama. If you have a big argument with your spouse for example, even then sometimes it’s better to walk away than give your feelings the power and say shit that you don’t mean. Raise your vibes higher frequencies and after you have calmed yourself, then it’s time to solve things. When you are depressed, angry, sad etc. it’s impossible to see solutions that are in front of you. I will write how to raise your vibes soon. :) 

See the beauty around you, ignore the bullshit drama and level up!! 

I love ya'll and PEACE! I wish you have an amazing day! 


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