I've been working too much

Hiya! Whauddup? I've been neglecting my passion to write lately. And only because I work somewhat regular hours at the salon. After 6-8h of working with customers I'm all out of energy. I haven't even been going to gym so much! Also more work means less time in nature meditating and connecting. I have to change it NOW and it all starts from ME. Like always! So I woke up early today, 8 am (REAL early for me) and now sitting here and writing this. Step one done! Summer is gone and actually it really never even got here in Finland, the cold weather is also getting to me too much.. Now its Fall, leaves are turning colorful and soon fall off and then it will be GRAY! But I do like the colors ;) Anyway, my summer was full of work and so was Baes. Things are moving to the right direction although sometimes it feels to S L O W! Then again, TIME is an illusion anyway. I'm trying to speed shit up with changing my mind state even more towards success. I even write down som...