8 weeks in...

Ciao! Whaddup?? I have an update... so 8 week s in.. I stopped eating meat 2 week s ago and had it maybe twice or trice and ye sterday I actually felt di sgu sted by it. Weird thing, coz I didn't think of becoming vegetarian.. maybe even vegan.. Gotta say that I feel good. Lot' s of energy! Al so I will have more time now to do what I love! I'm gonna work with client s only 2-3 day s a week and concentrate more on writing my material s for my future. 5 week s till my vacation!! Can't wait to go explore beache s and meditate and enjoy the sun s hine and and amazing nature! I de serve my peace and quiet after thi s madne s s that life ha s been for some time. I can't empha size enough of the pure fact of how much meditation and connecting with my inner self ha s helped me! I started to meditate about 2 year s ago, when I wa s in the middle of my Dialectical Behavior Therapy for borderline per sonality. But I started to do it EVERY day minimum of 3 time s a day a...