It's been a while....Update from Malaysia

Koh Phayam / Thailand ( no phone, no cardreader, Maleysian pic come later) Hiya there! Whaddup? How's life kicking? I haven't been writing a lot because I've been bu sy having the time of my life! I have updated more of my YouTube channel which you should check out too and subscribe! I just finished my 3 months in Thailand and now I'm in Malaysia for Visa Run. I arrived on Penang i sland few day s ago . I am not a big fan of Muslim country's because of too many rules and regulations but this island seems to be nice.. Tomorrow I will apply for my Visa and the day after fly back to Thailand and I wanna stay in Phuket (FUCKIT) for a while. ( THI S WA S THE PLAN :D ) Koh Phayam is amazingly slow motion but I still am a city gal and need my city time every now and then :) Penang i s quite bu sy.. I'm staying at Milky Coat and S unny S ide ho stel on 27th Chulia street in Georgetown. A lot of shop s and re staurant s. I went twice on a ...