Embrace changes

Hi there :) How are you doing? I alway s say nothing in thi s world i s permanent except change. Everything i s moving all the time. It' s important to learn to embrace the change s occurring around you becau se univer se will only provide you what you attract and a lot of time s change s are ble s sing s in di sgui se. If you do what you love and it' s helping people, don't care what other s say, YOU ARE DOING GREAT! Everybody ha s unlimited po s sibilitie s to have everything they want in Life. I have alway s had i s sue s with rule s and law s that don't make sen se to me logically. For year s I have had an unhappy life becau se I didn't accept my self for who I am and tried to live up other s expectation s. I wa s the odd one. The weird one. The too emotional one. The crazy one. All the drug s that they forced on me saying it will help me to be "normal". EVERYTHING changed when I embraced my true being and accepted that I am an empath, I feel ...