
The only thing certain in life is change. Nothing lasts forever.. Things have been complicated between me and Jesse for couple of past months and I'm sorry to say that we ended our relationship. Yeah it's sad but it's better this way. I tired my best and it wasn't enough. I wrote about removing negativity from life to experience more positive vibes.. so that's exactly what I did. I choose to be HAPPY. We had some amazing times together but now it's time to move on. I am happy that I have so many amazing supportive friends around me, I am happy to have a job I love so much doing, I am happy and grateful for all things in my life, because there is a reason for everything. When one door closes, another one opens. I am thankful for all things that have happened to me because it has made me who I am today. My heart hurts but this just means that I have emotions, that I care deeply.. and that's not a bad thing. Life goes on. Go...