It's working!

Hey there! A s some of you may know, I've had some per sonal and work related i s sue s lately.. Breakup, building my bu sine s s etc. And I've been working on my self and my own thought s and feeling s a lot with meditation. I am so happy to see that it' s starting to pay off! Life i s going better day by day ! It almo st seem s like my problem s have started to solve them selve s :D I am focu sing on the good stuff and surrounding my self with people who LIFT me UP in stead of bringing me down. I am creating my stre s s-free environment. Doing thing s that bring me JOY. I am today better than I wa s ye sterday. Everyday I am bettering my self. Today I have a day off! Feel s so good after working non- stop for 23 day s !! I haven't planned anything becau se I need to ju st chill. Take some time for ME. Maybe I'm gonna do a facial for my self.. some acid peeling and microneedeling.. Clean my home, do laundry, roll a joint and watch Netflix.. Feeling calm, re...