6th month in.... expat life in Thailand.

Hiya world! Whaddup? How's life been kicking you lately? For me everyday is magical. Before I used to live for the free time I had, now all my time is technically free. I am on my way to become 100% digital nomad and have said my farewells to my old life. I said on New Years Eve that 2018 will be EPIC and so far it has been exactly that! Who knew that when I come to Thailand for 3 week s that I will actually stay here? I didn't plan this out at all, I decided 2 weeks before my flight back that I am staying.. But here I am, happier than ever because I swapped luxurious but busy city life to simple and slow jungle life. The ending of last year was tiring with my new company, went through a bad breakup and over all had big emotional changes. Leaving my life in Finland and Europe in general came to me easy. I have had so much shit in my life that I am done living it "a s suppo sed" to. Nothing ...