
Borderline Personality or intuitive empath?

Hiya world!  How is life today?  So I have mentioned before, that I have BPD - Borderline Personality Disorder ( OR am I just from leveling up and am an intuitive empath who feels a little too much), how it makes my life harder on a daily basis. I have decided to write you guys about it and what has helped me to live with it. I have noticed that many people around me could u se  some of the  techniques u sed in the therapy I went trough (Dialectical Behavior Therapy), that has helped me. In my opinion BPD is one of the most difficult mental disorders that there is and not a lot of people know about it. I'm about to shed some light on thi s  topic. Hopefully this will help someone!  Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a serious mental condition with the main problem on the inability to manage emotions effectively. All feeling s go from 0 to 1000 in a nano second  and are many many time s  stronger a s it would be for a "normal" per son.  While some p

How to make a Thai visa run in Penang , Malaysia

As I promised you, here is a short article about doing a visarun in Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia.  This is written on 4th of July ( Happy Birthday U. S) of 2018. Vi sa run in Penang for making a new Thai visa has been fairly easy before, but the rules and regulations change so often that it's not easy to keep track. In this years May, they made a new rule in Penangs Thai Royal Consulate, first of all, you must to present a flight out of Thailand, hotel booking and sufficient amount of money. The other new thing is, that they take only 100 applicants a day. If you don't have all the documentation needed, you can always hire an agent to take care. For example, try Jim's place on Chulia street in Georgetown. With a small fee he will take care of all the missing documents. Providing fake documents will lead to ban from Thailand. I did use Jim's services as well but next time for sure I will just do it by myself. What you need is 2 passport photos ( you can make the

I need a restart

Hiya world!! Time to write down a few note s to s elf again. Weather ha s been nice to u s on Phayam i s land. Raining only a little bit and we get s un s hine too. I gotta warn you though, I have s ome raging to let out today. Clean s e the negativity. Thing i s I am really tired of people. Like ALL people. You know the feeling „ I don’t wanna people today” ? You know I am all about LOVE. With that come s al s o LOYALTY and HONE ST Y. I am tired of people alway s complaining about s tuff and not doing anything about it to fix it. Happine ss i s a choice. Happine ss come s from YOU. If you choo s e to complain, you choo s e to be unhappy. Feeling that you are lacking s omething, cau s e s s uffering. To end s uffering you need to s top fighting again s t what wa s. Pa s t i s gone and overthinking about the pa s t i s pure non s en s e. The s ame goe s about the future. Learn to let go. Only thing you control i s how you re s pond to the life around you. It’ s OK

6th month in.... expat life in Thailand.

Hiya world! Whaddup? How's life been kicking you lately? For me everyday is magical.  Before I used to live for the free time I had, now all my time is technically free. I am on my way to become 100% digital nomad and have said my farewells to my old life.  I said on New Years Eve that 2018 will be EPIC and so far it has been exactly that! Who knew that when I come to Thailand for 3 week s  that I will actually stay here? I didn't plan this out at all, I decided 2 weeks before my flight back that I am staying.. But here I am,  happier than ever because I swapped luxurious but busy city life to simple and slow jungle life.  The ending of last year was tiring with my new company, went through a bad breakup and over all had big emotional changes.  Leaving my life in Finland and Europe in general  came to me easy. I have had so much shit in my life that I am done living it "a s  suppo sed" to. Nothing in my life wa s ordinary and  still ain't.  I expect the

Natinuel Next Level Cosmetology - younger, brighter, healthier skin!

Natinuel line, dedicated to the care and skin health, is based on the latest research and innovations in dermatology and a consolidated experience in aesthetic sector gained by a selected, high level leading team. Representing an ideal “bridge” between medicine and aesthetic, Natinuel made possibleto overcome the now obsolete concept of cosmetics and opening a new frontier with the introduction in the field of aesthetic Molecular Bioceutics . Any product, for professional or home care , incorporates a  number of active ingredients, selected to act synergistically  and specifically on the various skin problems.  Each product in this line was treated in detail both in its structure and in its characteristic of bio-activity. Its field i s in  all of skin s structural  complexity: ▪EPIDERMIS ▪DERMAL-EPIDERMAL JUNCTION ▪DERMA (dermis) ▪HYPODERMIS (subcutanous tissue) ALPHA HYDROXY ACIDs and POLYHYDROXY ACIDs Mandelic acid Alpha-hydroxy acid contained naturally in bitt