New week, focusing on the GOOD
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Rainy Tallinn |
What's up guys? How was your weekend?
I went to Tallinn, Estonia last Saturday for Natinuel exclusive training and got another diploma to add to my collection! Next seminar is in December! I had work yesterday also, so I haven't had a day off in about 3 weeks...Feeling a bit crazy but it keeps me focused and I don't have time to worry about stuff that really doesn't matter.
It's dark and cold and wet outside and I get affected by that easily.. This time of year it is crucial for me to do my daily meditations to keep me on OK moods.. Helping my clients and making them happy is another thing to keep me good. Positive mind = positive life! I need to share the LOVE!
Every day I see people around me who are living in their ego. I don't see why should anyone think of themselves better than other. We are all one! We should love, help and cherish each other instead of hate, envy and diss. This world is crazy and people are focusing too much on money, social status and materialism. Always complaining about politics, how they hate their jobs and are not happy. Happiness is a choice. And if you do good, you will receive good. It really is that simple! There always will be some problems and issues but nothing you can't handle. Concentrating on finding solutions instead of complaining about the issue is key. Life gives us tests to see if we are ready to level up. It's all about how you perceive everything. And one thing that is constant in life is change. Just embrace it all. Nobody is perfect. Don't be insecure, accept yourself 100%. We don't need to impress anyone else than ourselves.

We are all energy and we are vibrating on different frequencies. Where you vibrate that you attract. It's all about emotions. Our mind creates our reality. The world won't change before you do, it's the Law of correspondence. Take a deep breath and be in the present moment, past has gone and future is not here. Find the peace in you. Be grateful. You are here because of the good and the bad, the choices you made and mistakes you had. We are infinite beings here on Earth to have this human experience and we are here to ENJOY LIFE. Don't be the slave of the fake world. We have the universe inside us and are all connected by consciousness. One Love baby! Do what you love and love what you do!
I help others whenever I can. The secret to that is not expect anything in return. I'm doing it because it I can. I have had so much shit in my life and I was shitty myself because of it. I was quite unhappy until I decided I have to let go my past and decided to share the Love. Nowadays I don't judge or discriminate anybody. Live and let live. I changed how I felt and that' why my life is better day by day. It's not always easy, not at all, but it's worth it! I keep on doing good, keep helping when I can and I don't let anyone bring me down. I don't care what people think of me, I know I am me and I'm doing it right and I'm doing it for me. :)
I hope You enjoyed this read and have an amazing week! Good times are coming!
Vibrating Love to where ever it's needed <3 I'd like to read about your view on this so leave a comment :)
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