
Showing posts from November, 2017

Don't worry, be happy!

Hey! How are you today? I wanted to write about how to be patient and keep your calm when you feel stuck in life. What helps me when I start to worry or stress about stuff. When things don't go how you want them to go, just remember, everything happens when it needs to happen. Life always has ups and downs and teaches you what you need to know before you can level up. Remember the importance of your emotions. Negative emotions create negative vibrations and so you start to create negative reality. This doesn't mean that you can't have any negative emotions, it means you shouldn't dwell on your problems. It's good to practice radical acceptance.  Everything moves all the time, hard times will pass too. Patience is the key.  Keep calm and keep doing good! Change your routine, seek advice from friends and do things you love. When you lift your mood, you change your vibes and you'll feel better. Allow things to happen, you never know what they...

8 weeks in...

Ciao! Whaddup??  I have an update...  so 8 week s in.. I stopped eating meat 2 week s ago and had it maybe twice or trice and ye sterday I actually felt di sgu sted by it. Weird thing, coz I didn't think of becoming vegetarian.. maybe even vegan.. Gotta say that I feel good. Lot' s of energy! Al so I will have more time now to do what I love! I'm gonna work with client s only 2-3 day s a week and concentrate more on writing my material s for my future. 5 week s till my vacation!! Can't wait to go explore beache s and meditate and enjoy the sun s hine and and amazing nature! I de serve my peace and quiet after thi s madne s s that life ha s been for some time. I can't empha size enough of the pure fact of how much meditation and connecting with my inner self ha s helped me! I started to meditate about 2 year s ago, when I wa s in the middle of my Dialectical Behavior Therapy for borderline per sonality. But I started to do it EVERY day minimum of 3 time s a day a...

Embrace changes

Hi there :)  How are you doing?  I alway s say nothing in thi s world i s permanent except change. Everything i s moving all the time. It' s important to learn to embrace the change s occurring around you becau se univer se will only provide you what you attract and a lot of time s change s are ble s sing s in di sgui se. If you do what you love and it' s helping people, don't care what other s say, YOU ARE DOING GREAT! Everybody ha s unlimited po s sibilitie s to have everything they want in Life. I have alway s had i s sue s with rule s and law s that don't make sen se to me logically. For year s I have had an unhappy life becau se I didn't accept my self for who I am and tried to live up other s expectation s. I wa s the odd one. The weird one. The too emotional one. The crazy one. All the drug s that they forced on me saying it will help me to be "normal". EVERYTHING changed when I embraced my true being and accepted that I am an empath, I feel ...

Let's raise the vibes again!

Hello again world :)  How is life? Amazing, right? Or is it haaaaaard?  October has been very difficult for many empaths out there me included. But be patient,  The good times are coming! It's always darkest before the dawn. I've put so much effort in blocking other peoples negative energy and I really recommend yo do the same.  Fortunately we can control who we share our vibes with. Don't be around low energies, go to nature, do something for you.. Everybody has problems all the time. I take mine as lessons to level up. Because there is so many evil people on the planet, who try to control you in many different levels, it's important to know yourself and trust yourself and LOVE yourself. Don't listen what others say you have to be, you have to do and so on.. Man-made laws, man-made social statuses... they don't matter! You know in your heart what's right. You get what you put out! Be good and your life will be good. I ...

About my facial treatments...

Here' a little info about the advanced  skincare brand I'm u sing in my work. “I believe that a true professional in the field of cosmetics is the one who keeps abreast of the changes in today’s skin care and whose greatest asset is its customers!” Dr.Guido Cappare (Italy) Dermatologist, AMIA – Italian Doctors Association of Aesthetics Department Manager for rejuvenation Natinuel line, dedicated to the care and skin health, is based on the latest research and innovations in dermatology and a consolidated experience in aesthetic sector gained by a selected and leading team. A fundamental characteristic of Natinuel is to represent an ideal “bridge” between medicine and aesthetic, made possible by overcoming the now obsolete concept of cosmetics and opening a new frontier with the introduction in the field of aesthetic Molecular Bioceutics. for hyperpigmentation Natinuel has the aim of giving an effective and targeted answer to the needs of the modern woman w...

It's working!

Hey there! A s some of you may know, I've had some per sonal and work related i s sue s lately.. Breakup, building my bu sine s s etc. And I've been working on my self and my own thought s and feeling s a lot with meditation. I am so happy to see that it' s starting to pay off! Life i s going better day by day ! It almo st seem s like my problem s have started to solve them selve s :D I am focu sing on the good stuff and surrounding my self with people who LIFT me UP in stead of bringing me down. I am creating my stre s s-free environment. Doing thing s that bring me JOY. I am today better than I wa s ye sterday. Everyday I am bettering my self. Today I have a day off! Feel s so good after working non- stop for 23 day s !! I haven't planned anything becau se I need to ju st chill. Take some time for ME. Maybe I'm gonna do a facial for my self.. some acid peeling and microneedeling.. Clean my home, do laundry, roll a joint and watch Netflix.. Feeling calm, re...