Embrace changes

Hi there :) 

How are you doing? 

I always say nothing in this world is permanent except change. Everything is moving all the time. It's important to learn to embrace the changes occurring around you because universe will only provide you what you attract and a lot of times changes are blessings in disguise. If you do what you love and it's helping people, don't care what others say, YOU ARE DOING GREAT! Everybody has unlimited possibilities to have everything they want in Life. I have always had issues with rules and laws that don't make sense to me logically. For years I have had an unhappy life because I didn't accept myself for who I am and tried to live up others expectations. I was the odd one. The weird one. The too emotional one. The crazy one. All the drugs that they forced on me saying it will help me to be "normal". EVERYTHING changed when I embraced my true being and accepted that I am an empath, I feel more and that's a gift not a curse and I never wanna be what others think is normal. I wanna be MY normal and I love it. Everything is vibrations, and having unconditional self acceptance is higher energy frequency and when you feel good inside , you'll start to attract more good stuff in your life. This is 6th week for me doing my meditations. I started to see changes after 2.5 weeks and it's said that it takes 21 days to develop a new habit. I am happier than ever. I have made peace with myself. I have forgiven myself my mistakes because now I understand that it was all a learning process. I am grateful for everything in my life. In 6 weeks time I will be in Thailand enjoying the beach and the nature. I have dreamed of going there for years but never took action. Now I really put my mind on it, worked on it, meditated, visualized daily and last week I got myself flights! 3 weeks there tripping alone! Finding myself and connect with the power within. And it wasn't easy to get to this point where I can actually shut down all distractions and focus on what I want to attract in my life. But all the work I put in was worth it and all things in my life lead me to my happiness, success and wealth. I LOVE MY LIFE!!!!!!
Just keep on doing the work and you will succeed!


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