Hey world.. It's me again.. Maybe I should start this blog more like " Dear Diary...." .. Again I have issues of my inner emotions so I need to remind myself and maybe it will help someone out there. You're not alone.. ;) Hi, there , Empath!!!
I've written about this couple of times already, how we shouldn't worry and just trust our intuition, do good and spread love.
Well sometimes I feel it's just impossible.. like today... I've had a super weird day.... I spent it at home working and I got a lot of stuff done and felt accomplished but at the same time I just felt pointless, tired, frustrated, angry, stressed ... I didn't let it grow though... Before I always got stuck on negative emotions, I was even holding on to them, I'd dwell on them, worry, lose sleep, feel sorry for myself and hate the world etc... I have borderline personality disorder but under my control. Now I am able to accept all of my emotions and know that worry and Stress is not serving me and I can reject being in that frequency, I have freedom of CHOICE. . Everything leads to my success, happiness and wealth...
I need to Love ME. Trust my inner voice and ignore when my subconscious mind wants to push its doubts and fears on me that are programmed there by society / environment.
But today was HAAAAARRRRDDD .. I mean.. it wasn't like all bad... I stayed inside so I didn't meet other people except for the ones that visited me, but that was intentional. I felt bad energies.. Its was cold outside and snowing... I didn't even wanna go out! hahhaha
When I'm writing this , it's 11.30 pm and I just feel strong anxiety... Earlier as the day went... I did some cleaning, trying to clean negative energy out of my home... I had even some mild tantrums here by myself couple of times about some really small things like not finding my stuff right away... All in all a weird and emotional day. just like that , out of the blue. I felt disappointed, irritated, fed up, even kinda pissed off.. so I'm writing this to remind myself that I am an empath. I feel everything. And the only thing I control is the way I look at life and how I cope with it. I can DECIDE how I feel.
Letting life happen and focusing on whats good. THE KEY is gratefulness!!
I am thankful for this nice home I have. I have very good energies here and it makes me feel safe. I am thankful for my good health. I am thankful of my family and friends. I am thankful for all the good things in my life. I am thankful for my upcoming vacation!! YAAAYYYYY!!! I am happy. My life is exciting. Every day I help someone, just like I did today. And I share kindness whenever I can without expecting anything back. I am so grateful to have so many loving and supporting, uplifting, like-minded people around me. I love my job. I do what I love, I love creating happiness. I'm grateful to earn my living by doing what I love. I am even thankful for all the hardships in my life as they have thought how to help others in difficult times in life. I am here to love and heal. I trust my intuition fully.

My affrimations to keep me focused
*Every day I try to be better than yesterday and I am my only competition.
*I become the person I want to meet.
*I change my world by changing myself.
*Past is gone, future is not here, The only moment that is real is the present.
*The most valuable possession in life is my peace of mind.
*Love heals. Love is LIFE. I accept myself, I love myself and that's why I am able to share my LOVE.
*I don't need to be in control, The Universe takes care of me.
*I forgive myself every mistake I've made, I am at peace with myself and know that life is never-ending learning.
*I don't need to be perfect, I am unique.
*I am RICH - Realizing I Create Happiness.
11.47PM I have changed my vibration 100%.
Thanks for reading through how I removed that negative energy from myself.
All about LOVE!!!
I hope it helps you also and if not, that's ok too. Much love, happiness and positive vibrations to wherever you are!
I've written about this couple of times already, how we shouldn't worry and just trust our intuition, do good and spread love.
Well sometimes I feel it's just impossible.. like today... I've had a super weird day.... I spent it at home working and I got a lot of stuff done and felt accomplished but at the same time I just felt pointless, tired, frustrated, angry, stressed ... I didn't let it grow though... Before I always got stuck on negative emotions, I was even holding on to them, I'd dwell on them, worry, lose sleep, feel sorry for myself and hate the world etc... I have borderline personality disorder but under my control. Now I am able to accept all of my emotions and know that worry and Stress is not serving me and I can reject being in that frequency, I have freedom of CHOICE. . Everything leads to my success, happiness and wealth...
I need to Love ME. Trust my inner voice and ignore when my subconscious mind wants to push its doubts and fears on me that are programmed there by society / environment.
But today was HAAAAARRRRDDD .. I mean.. it wasn't like all bad... I stayed inside so I didn't meet other people except for the ones that visited me, but that was intentional. I felt bad energies.. Its was cold outside and snowing... I didn't even wanna go out! hahhaha

Letting life happen and focusing on whats good. THE KEY is gratefulness!!
I am thankful for this nice home I have. I have very good energies here and it makes me feel safe. I am thankful for my good health. I am thankful of my family and friends. I am thankful for all the good things in my life. I am thankful for my upcoming vacation!! YAAAYYYYY!!! I am happy. My life is exciting. Every day I help someone, just like I did today. And I share kindness whenever I can without expecting anything back. I am so grateful to have so many loving and supporting, uplifting, like-minded people around me. I love my job. I do what I love, I love creating happiness. I'm grateful to earn my living by doing what I love. I am even thankful for all the hardships in my life as they have thought how to help others in difficult times in life. I am here to love and heal. I trust my intuition fully.

My affrimations to keep me focused
*Every day I try to be better than yesterday and I am my only competition.
*I become the person I want to meet.
*I change my world by changing myself.
*Past is gone, future is not here, The only moment that is real is the present.
*The most valuable possession in life is my peace of mind.
*Love heals. Love is LIFE. I accept myself, I love myself and that's why I am able to share my LOVE.
*I don't need to be in control, The Universe takes care of me.
*I forgive myself every mistake I've made, I am at peace with myself and know that life is never-ending learning.
*I don't need to be perfect, I am unique.
*I am RICH - Realizing I Create Happiness.
11.47PM I have changed my vibration 100%.
Thanks for reading through how I removed that negative energy from myself.
All about LOVE!!!
I hope it helps you also and if not, that's ok too. Much love, happiness and positive vibrations to wherever you are!
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